Kim Tackett
Tour of No Regrets
Stories about coffee, camping and climate

Hammock Reads
Pairs with a gentle breeze, rustling trees, snacks and a glass of wine
The Anthropology of Turquoise
by Ellen Meloy
Mink River
by Brian Doyle
Martin Marten
by Brian Doyle
Deep Creek: Finding Hope in the High Country
by Pam Houston
Red: Passion and Patience in the Desert
by Terry Tempest Williams
by Mary Oliver
Firekeeper's Daughter
by Angeline Boulley
Vesper Flights
by Helen MacDonald
Hummingbird's Daughter
by Luis Alberto Urrea
Into The Beautiful North
by Luis Alberto Urrea
Air Mail
by Amy Irvine and Pam Houston
Wild : From Lost to Found on the Pacific Coast Trail
by Cheryl Strayed
Desert Solitare : A Season in the Wilderness
by Edward Abbey
The Overstory
by Richard Powers
by Jessica Bruder
Settled in the Wild : Notes from the Edge of Town
by Susan Hand Shelterly
Writing Landscape (In the Moment)
by Linda Cracknell
How to Walk
by Tich Nhat Hanh
Read Alouds
Pairs with chocolate, whiskey, tired bones, and the smell of campfire in your hair
Braiding Sweetgrass : Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Inciting Joy
by Ross Gay
American Indian Myths and Legends
by Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz
Seasons: Desert Sketches
by Ellen Meloy
One Long River of Song
by Brian Doyle
Thirst : 2600 Miles to Home
by Heather Anderson
A Year in the Woods
by Torbjorn Ekelund
Desert Cabal: A New Season in the Wilderness
by Amy Irvine
Desert Oracle
by Ken Layne
Contents May Have Shifted
by Pam Houston
Anywhere That Is Wild : John Muir's First Walk to Yosemite
edited by Peter and Donna Thomas
Waiting for the next trip
Pairs with a cup of coffee, an empty calendar and a full tank of gas
Writing Wild : Women poets, ramblers, and mavericks who shape how we see the natural world
by Kathryn Aalto
The Nature Fix
by Florence Williams
Erosion : Essays of Undoing
by Terry Tempest Williams